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Apple confirms iPhone 7 release will be delayed

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current events

Apple confirms iPhone 7 release will be delayed published by nherting
Writer Rating: 0
Posted on 2016-08-18
Writer Description: current events
This writer has written 195 articles.

The release of iPhone 7 may be delayed.

Tech experts have long predicted that the latest installment of the phone was due for release on September 7.

But now, thanks to phone shop work schedules, some believe the iPhone will not be released until later in the month.

Leaked retail schedules from AT&T phone shops in the U.S. show that staff have been told to work later on September 23.

This could mean that the company will be getting ready to put the phones on sale that day, or at least that week.

Whatever the final date turns out to be, September seems the most likely month.

Another date put forward is 16 September, which is in line with previous release dates.

And the iPhone 6 was released on September 19, 2014.

At that time over four million iPhone 6s were sold within the first day of release and 10 million within three days

Although the final date is not yet clear, the picture is expected to become clearer later this month when Apple is expected to confirm the date.


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