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Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

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Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

R-E-S-P-E-C-T published by Maura4u
Writer Rating: 2.0000
Posted on 2017-07-26
Writer Description: Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society
This writer has written 61 articles.

Soul singer Aretha Franklin struck a common musical and social chord in 1967 when she released her mega hit entitled, Respect. 

In truth, we all want respect, and we’d like more of it! Respect makes us feel loved, valued, at peace with ourselves and the world. A world filled with respectful people who treat others with equal respect would prove ideal.

However, the world often doesn’t always deliver us the respect we desire. Further, we’re often guilty of not delivering to others the respect we’d like to enjoy for ourselves. We give less, model low and somehow expect a better society. We fail to realize the influence we have in everyday relationships and join others in displaying default behaviors.

In my latest podcast, I take up the topic of Respect. Specifically, I talk about what it feels like to be disrespected, devalued and downright humiliated!

Listen in as I share a few moments when I’ve stood on the back side of respect and could have easily been singing along with Aretha!

If you’ve been struggling with issues of respect or have been guilty of disrespecting others, discover an “aha!” moment or two in these stories.

May you find that respect already dwells within you, one you can exude and express — even in some of the most difficult of times!

Click here for Podcast 121: Respect.

Like these podcasts? Subscribe to me on iTunes,  iHeart Radio and Stitcher Radio.

Maura Sweeney in Foundations of Happiness

Maura is a  Speaker on Influence, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Visit Maura’s Author page for her 2017 Art of Happiness series

Enroll in her Foundations of Happiness eCourse

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Personal blog and podcast. Aretha Franklin video courtesy of YouTube. 

Article Rating: 0.0000

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Anonymous: 2017-07-26 07:24:43 ID:2100

Can't agree with you more Maura. One of the most important things for most people is the need to 'feel important'. To be respectful to others it to give the thing that they so desperately desire!

Maura4u: 2017-08-23 05:00:18 ID:2111

Thanks for writing, Anonymous! It is when we feel unimportant, overlooked and disempowered from within that we often strike out against others and further reduce our sense of self. Yet finding an inward respect and sense of self has an alternate, and better, outcome! Keep the positivity going in life!

Maura4u: 2017-10-04 05:33:49 ID:2146

I do agree with you on that.

Rwanda Johnson : 2018-09-29 05:08:44 ID:2356

mhhhmmmm u sing it sister!