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Suffering Loss or Garnering Gain?

Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

Tags: How to deal with loss in life  Finding purpose thr  

Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

Suffering Loss or Garnering Gain? published by Maura4u
Writer Rating: 2.0000
Posted on 2018-01-17
Writer Description: Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society
This writer has written 61 articles.

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” ~ Norman Cousins

Have you ever feared or faced loss, only to discover you’d ultimately gained?

Loss is germane to the human condition, something even the recluse or expert controller cannot avoid.

At some level, trying to avoid loss can actually impede not just our happiness, but preclude our fuller experience of life itself!

Most of us try to avoid loss, even when we’re bored, unhappy or in excessive pain. We consider it a negative proposition and view it through the eyes of disappointment, dread and even death. But what if life in the larger sense offers some surprises as well?

Passing through Loss to Gain

Losses show up through a variety of portals: they impact our health, finances, reputation, relationships, material possessions and more. But what if we could view losses through a broader lens?

With a different perspective, and over time, we can alternately discover many gains arising through loss — even when our losses are palpably difficult. For example, we can learn compassion, wisdom and understanding when finding ourselves in circumstances for which we’ve judged others. Passing through loss, we can also find courage, develop new abilities, expand our circle of friendships and open ourselves to new opportunities. 

In the following podcast, I share three types of “losses” I’ve experienced over the years. In each, I demonstrate how they transitioned into a variety of unexpected, personal gains.

Regardless of the type loss you might be facing, may you feel inspired to see circumstances through a broader, brighter and more hopeful personal lens.

 Click here to listen to Podcast 130: Are You Losing or Gaining in Life?

Discover more about journalist, author and peace advocate Norman Cousins, quoted above. Learn his remarkable story of overcoming debilitating illness through laughter in this link right here. 

Maura is a  Speaker on Influence, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

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The attached link on Norman Cousins is directly connected with its source link. All else is mine. 

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