Chicago's New Video Game Tax - 9%!

Tags: video game tax
Chicago's New Video Game Tax - 9%! published by The 1st Amender
Writer Rating: 2.0000
Posted on 2018-11-23
Writer Description: Loves to blog and debate
This writer has written 211 articles.
Introducing the new Chicago video game tax forcing 9% which is charged by all entertainment providers to Chicago residents. This is not just in reference to video games but really all streaming services under the supposed "Amusement Tax."
The "Amusement Tax" is a tax that was made in Chicago of 2015 within regards to any exhibition, performance, presentation or show for entertainment purposes. It includes many different clauses and rules which can be surmised by this PDF which is provided by the City of Chicago:
(Original document can be found here:
Now this was already enough to get people up and arms about the way taxing is done in Chicago -- introducing a plethora of concerns siting the highest order of law, the constitution, and begs the question: "Is Chicago government really allowed to do this?"
Absolutely they are allowed to do this. They were unable to make payments on their pension funds for 2018. That is why they introduced and increased the span of the new tax law which is sited right here in a court case Labell v. Chicago 2018.05.24:
(Original PDF provided to the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois:
During this time, it becomes readily apparent that if your government is taxing you for entertainment, it's time for you to stand up and push against the destroyers of freedom. Those who understand law and have devoted their lives to it, the constitution, and seek to destroy it in front of your eyes. I am putting this out to light because not only is it a blatant misrepresentation of what this country was supposed to stand for, and watch and see other laws like this sprout up in the near future. While you cannot defend yourself with Cook County, keep your eyes and ears out for your county laws and fight this type of law. It serves no purpose other than to line the pocket books of your already over-inflated government.
I want to also remind everyone of a very common phrase that seems to have popped up somewhere around the mid-1700s in the United States.
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