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L published by Oan
Writer Rating: 1.0000
Posted on 2019-10-14
Writer Description: Articles
This writer has written 128 articles.

Just a small list of all the times the left has seriously called for violence against Trump and his supporters

 the DNC celebrated Kathy Griffin depicting her "straight up murdering" Donald Trump

  Snoop Dogg depicting himself shooting Donald Trump

 the quarantined subreddit Chapo trap house which regularly advocated for the assassination of trump

 they supported Johnny Depp who advocated assassination

Maxine Waters told her supporters to push back on Trump supporters?

 when salon said that all white men must be stopped that would be hate speech. 

when Kathy Griffin did a photoshoot with an extremely realistic looking head of Donald Trump as if she had beheaded him that was a call for violence and hate speech. 

when Don lemon said that all white men were terrorists that would be hate speech. 

 Democrats need to "fight in the streets" that was hate speech. And he should be thrown in prison

When Maxine Waters told her supporters to "push back" and attack Trump supporters that was hate speech.

the federal government should step in. Kick Maxine Waters out of Congress. And put her in prison.

When CNN is the only Network to give white supremacist platform 


and let's not forget that those aren't just depictions with them. The radical supporters have acted on it. Trump has had three people attempt to assassinate him. One of them was during the campaign and the other two were afterwards

Obviously they didn't get very close but still

the violent rhetoric of the left has also inspired count with other violent acts. From the left-wing radical that shot up the YouTube headquarters from to the radical left-wing activist David hodgkinson open fire on a baseball field of Republicans. 

Or perhaps the three separate occasions when left-wing radicals bombed GOP headquarters. 

or the time that a left-wing radical attempted to bomb  a ice facility



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