Batman Goes Metal In This Mashup That Literally Murders Your Favorite Childhood Cartoons
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Batman Goes Metal In This Mashup That Literally Murders Your Favorite Childhood Cartoons published by Evanvinh
Writer Rating: 5.0000
Posted on 2016-05-19
Writer Description: Evanvinh
This writer has written 733 articles.
Animator ArhyBES has given life to a sequel to his Death Metal Batman, combining the calming sounds of Dethklok’s “Mermaider” — from the Adult Swim series Metalocalypse — with The Dark Knight, his sidekicks, and a fine selection of classic cartoon characters being viciously murdered by the Bat-crew. It’s glorious in all of its violent, sexual excess. Like the internet stuffed into one video clip.
Do I think Batman would have any second thoughts about murdering Ariel from The Little Mermaid and the Spongebob gang? Probably. But this Batman certainly doesn’t, proving it by driving a sub to the bottom of the ocean, whipping ass, and leaving Aquaman to clean up the mess. Doesn’t get much more metal than that.
Not only that, but the animation itself is pretty damn cool. Particularly the in-concert moments with the Bat-clan, with Robin just beating the living hell out of his drum kit and Red Robin murdering the audience with the power of his rocking. It’s absurd, awesome, and the kind of thing that I’m glad comes across my radar every now and then. If you didn’t catch the original, watch it below. ArhyBES deserves a lot of credit for these, despite whatever copyright shortcuts they likely take. Great stuff.
Sources: Batman Goes Metal In This Mashup That Literally Murders Your Favorite Childhood Cartoons
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