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Creating Cheer

Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

Tags: Holidays  Christmas  Happiness  Podcast  Inspirati  

Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

Creating Cheer published by Maura4u
Writer Rating: 2.0000
Posted on 2018-12-24
Writer Description: Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society
This writer has written 61 articles.

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and, behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”  

~ Norman Vincent Peale 


Christmas can be the happiest time of year, but sometimes we have to create that cheer for ourselves.

I’ve experienced many Christmases, but I am reminded today of the importance this time of year holds for us all in creating goodwill, magic and cheer.

As a child, I relished in the excitement of Christmas. I was moved by sparkling silvery tinsel that adorned freshly cut pine trees.  I was intoxicated by aromas of holiday roasts, spaghetti sauce and cookies baking in the oven. My heart was inspired by popular melodies and sacred tunes that could be memorized and joyfully sung by people of every age.

At night, I watched with anticipation as strings of outdoor lights transformed typical houses and ordinary streets into enchanted, colorful neighborhoods. I brimmed with anticipation imagining Santa Clause and his elves at the North Pole, preparing to deliver Christmas presents to boys and girls around the world — all in a single night!

Many of us know that as years pass, much of what we beheld as children can become tainted and jaded by the “realities” of life: sickness, financial woes and broken relationships to name just a few. Contemplating the sadder side of life can easily bring us low, dimming our hearts as well as our minds.

So it’s important to acknowledge the bright side of the holiday season, the part that keeps our spirits alighted and our hope refreshed and renewed. Faith, the substance of things we hope for and the evidence of things not seen, is what each of us needs to carry on and move forward in life.

Regardless of religious persuasion, we all need a season of joy each year. Joy helps us reaffirm life and rekindle the happiness that keeps us standing tall in an often faltering world.

Podcast 140: Creating Cheer

Important to us all, cheer is a state of mind and heart. It’s that which gladdens us with hope, comfort and courage.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the course of time, it’s to create my own sense of cheer. Rather than waiting for the world to make me happy, I’ve discovered that I can be the source of my own happiness — starting from within.

If you’ve found holiday cheer a bit lacking in your own life this year — or if you have plenty of cheer to spare and are looking to take it up to another level — I encourage you to listen in to my latest podcast.

Be reminded of several easy ways you can become a catalyst for cheer in your own life while extending some of that goodwill and magic to those around you, too!

Click here for Podcast 140: Creating Cheer.

Sending you wishes for your happiest season ever — from the inside out!

 Maura is an International Speaker on Leadership, Influence and Emotional Intelligence

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Photos and text mine. 

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