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America Doesn’t Need Another Franklin Delano Roosevelt, It Needs Another Millard Fillmore

America Doesn’t Need Another Franklin Delano Roosevelt, It Needs Another Millard Fillmore

The optimism of Bernie Sanders’ latest viral video belies the fact that what we need is another politician like our under-valued 13th President,...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Controversial Material: Then and Now

Controversial Material: Then and Now

Earlier this evening, conservative British journalist and cultural libertarian Milo Yiannopoulos spoke at DePaul University in Chicago as part of...

Written by: Zara Lavato
Rating 0.5
James Rolfe Bullied by Feminazis for Ghostbusters Video

James Rolfe Bullied by Feminazis for Ghostbusters Video

James Rolfe is at it again making quality content for everyone on the internet to enjoy.  He annotated talking about Ghostbusters 2016 and his ow...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Top 10 Comments of the Week: Avatar, Selena Gomez, Supreme & More

Top 10 Comments of the Week: Avatar, Selena Gomez, Supreme & More

This past week James Cameron confirmed the release of four new Avatar movies, Stephen Hawking teamed up with a Russian billionaire to find a...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Why this market rally looks like a classic investor trap

Why this market rally looks like a classic investor trap

The U.S. stock market’s rally from its dismal start to the year appears to be a classic investor trap. Many investors have the tendency to ju...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
We Agree to Disagree: The Science of Why Your Political Posts Won’t Make Anyone Change Their Mind

We Agree to Disagree: The Science of Why Your Political Posts Won’t Make Anyone Change Their Mind

In today’s heated political stage, where everyone has a soapbox thanks to outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the personal blogs, ...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed;Anarchy and Anxiety

Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed;Anarchy and Anxiety

Author: Liana Doctrine Anarchy and Anxiety Before we go anywhere in this exploration, what do I mean by anxiety? Anxiety is a fear and t...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Canada's Seal Hunt Is Cruel

Canada's Seal Hunt Is Cruel

Lesley Fox is the executive director of the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, a nonprofit animal-protection organization based in...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Individuals Should Focus on Self-Acceptance

Individuals Should Focus on Self-Acceptance

"You're almost certainly hotter than you think. It's partly a matter of limited attention—everyone else is too fixated on his or ...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5


From Black Rose Anarchist Federation On Friday, March 11th, thousands of Chicagoans descended on the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) P...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; The Age of No Opinion

Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; The Age of No Opinion

The Age of No Opinion I’m too much of a realist to believe in anarchism. — Anonymous Realist Lately I have had the displeasur...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Choosing Relations

Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Choosing Relations

Author: Liana Doctrine Choosing Relations If there is one place that anarchists have the power to shape our lives to our desires, it is in ...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; The Politics of Blame

Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; The Politics of Blame

Author: Liana Doctrine The Politics of Blame So let’s just say, hypothetically, that a container ship runs into a bridge and spills a...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Anarchist Solitaire

Articles from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Anarchist Solitaire

Author: Liana Doctrine Anarchist Solitaire Independence. It’s part of the national identity. A true-blue US citizen is bold, righteou...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5


Donald Trump. Who are you supporting? Take a look at him. Just one look at him. Just see what he is and what he does, how he speaks and how he trea...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The day in the life of a computer tech

The day in the life of a computer tech

I wake up every morning and I'm always looking forward to having a great day. As I drive my car into work, I think of the movie "OfficeSpace&...

Written by: SB is a bum
Rating 0.5
Things are Happening Everywhere

Things are Happening Everywhere

Really important things.   ...

Written by: MizzLizz
Rating 0.5