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I get stoned and write

grayman's Articles

Writer Rating: 2.0000
Writer Description: I get stoned and write

I Believe that We Earn a Soul

I Believe that We Earn a Soul

You are not ever born with a soul. You are born with a mind, and a body, and you are just this fleshy little ball of reaction and instinct. You don...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Over-Empowerment in Games

Over-Empowerment in Games

I've noticed recently that a lot of big, triple A game franchises are focusing more on the "good guy" faction being this power house and...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Blame the News

Blame the News

Most if not all of the conflict, anger, salt, and general discourse can be sourced back to mass outlets of information. Ie, the news. Political, we...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Something's Gonna Give

Something's Gonna Give

For a while now I've been afraid of civil conflict in my country. The two sides to start it: the right and the left. People like me, my family,...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
The Accidental Conspiracy

The Accidental Conspiracy

This has been a small theory in my mind for a while now, but I'd like to share it with the internet. For a long time now I've noticed that,...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Why do you not like children?

Why do you not like children?

"You see uh... some people! They are like, like children." The class sneered and jeered at the idea of that person. "...What-why ...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5