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Written by Weighlon Tusk, technology correspondent at The Coyote Journal. ON MAY 24, 2022, FLORIDA GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS D...

Written by: The Coyote Journal
Rating 0.5
Does President Biden Have Dementia?

Does President Biden Have Dementia?

Would you consider the mental health of a president a primary factor on whether or not they should be president in the first place? If you do believe ...

Written by: Patriotic_Luck
Rating 0.5
How Ron Paul singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party

How Ron Paul singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party

Im gonna make this quick cause im just bored and annoyed with society and now.. >Ron Paul  >Runs for GOP nomination in 2008 and ...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
And within a Thanos snap useless fake president Joe Biden plans to cancel keystone pipeline laying off hundred to thousands of both canucks and yankees

And within a Thanos snap useless fake president Joe Biden plans to cancel keystone pipeline laying off hundred to thousands of both canucks and yankees

Its crazy how all it takes is a psyop with the power of Covid and BLM movement to make a decent president lose a bid at a second term..  so,...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
Fake President Joseph Biden shows that he is completely incompetent in everything that he proposed and his supporters are the real suckers and losers

Fake President Joseph Biden shows that he is completely incompetent in everything that he proposed and his supporters are the real suckers and losers

"Theres nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months" —Invaded Syria —Left the Nati...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
As Fake President Joseph Robinette Bidet is sworn into office the nation is sunken deep into tyranny

As Fake President Joseph Robinette Bidet is sworn into office the nation is sunken deep into tyranny

We all have to go thru harsh times weather it is economically,socially,mentally and most importantly politically and nothing was more vile than having...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
Why the election is fraudulent a response to the weak Lib-Right point of our dear lord and savior 1stAmender and the Far Left lie known as demonrats

Why the election is fraudulent a response to the weak Lib-Right point of our dear lord and savior 1stAmender and the Far Left lie known as demonrats

Election night was a teeth chattering nail biting situation on tuesday night, me, being a pro-trump leaning person was expecting a trump landslide but...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
I Am Running For President In 2024

I Am Running For President In 2024

A Few My Campaign Promises If Elected President    Legalize midget slavery (black midgets will be exempt, although they will not be allo...

Written by: KingCharles
Rating 0.5
The American Left Are Idiots: OR: You Learn Something Every Day--Here’s a Lesson on Sumo Wrestling

The American Left Are Idiots: OR: You Learn Something Every Day--Here’s a Lesson on Sumo Wrestling

The American left is, to borrow a phrase from President Trump, “so sad”. After a very successful state visit to Japan, a Japanese agency p...

Written by: See Through Energy RV
Rating 0.5
President Trump signs NASA advisory bill, says it’s “about jobs”

President Trump signs NASA advisory bill, says it’s “about jobs”

Prior to Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump had made only a few passing references to space during the first two months of his administratio...

Written by: nherting
Rating 0.5
Elon Musk joins Donald Trump’s advisory council despite criticising President-elect

Elon Musk joins Donald Trump’s advisory council despite criticising President-elect

Elon Musk has joined Donald Trump’s advisory council despite having dismissed Mr Trump as “not the right man for the job” ...

Written by: nherting
Rating 0.5
So Trump Is President. What Now?

So Trump Is President. What Now?

In the apparent wake of the 2016 elections, many have come out almost in a shared disbelief over what has happened. I, of course, am talking about the...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Marco Rubio Quits Politics: ‘Won’t Be Vice-President’ Won’t Seek Re-Election To Senate

Marco Rubio Quits Politics: ‘Won’t Be Vice-President’ Won’t Seek Re-Election To Senate

  “I’m looking forward to being a private citizen,” Rubio said to CNN today, looking weary from a long and content...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5